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A biodegradable bauble that contains a seedling Christmas tree, complete with soil and fertiliser that can be planted after Christmas to grow a new tree.

Over the first weekend in December, I bought and installed a Christmas tree in my living room.  I wondered in what spot the tree had been growing for the last couple of years before it had been chopped down. It seemed like a bit of a shame to have cut it down, so I struck upon the idea of replacing it after Christmas.

The idea is to have a bauble that contains a seedling Christmas tree, complete with soil, fertiliser and a biodegradable transparent bauble that can be planted to grow a new Christmas tree. The bauble would protect the seedling from the weather, and animals that might eat it, until it outgrows the sphere. Using a plastic that breaks down as a similar rate to that at which the seedling grows, the tree would be free to break out. In fact, the idea could be applied in lots of ways. Paper, card or biodegradable plastic Christmas decorations could incorporate pockets of soil and seeds that could be planted after Christmas, ready for the spring!