Anticipating the need for a sub $50 product in the Kano range, my team and I set about designing a range of attractive USB sensors that can enable kids to better understand how technology works. Each of these sensors explores a particular sensing capability and unlocks new coding challenges. From left to right they are a Tilt Sensor, Sound Sensor (Microphone), IR Tripwire, Temperature and Humidity Sensor and a Proximity or ‘Motion’ Sensor.

KANO Motion Sensor Kit
A motion sensing kit that you can make yourself.

As Design Director at Kano my team and I worked on a range of new products. Teaming up with MAP, Sherif Maktabi, Bruno Schillinger, Ricardo Luz and I created the Motion Sensor kit, a $29.99 entry level product. It’s a USB sensor that can be plugged into any computer or any of the KANO product range to open up new functionality. Have a watch below to see how it works.